Technology: Tackling Misinformation and Digital Rights in the time of COVID-19
MAY 7, 2020
The fight against the coronavirus disease has been greatly hindered by rampant and widespread COVID-19-related misinformation, disinformation, and hate speech. To overcome this infodemic, many governments have taken measures that increase state surveillance and disproportionally limit freedom of expression and effective communication about the onset of the disease. This panel brings together experts from the continent and African diaspora to discuss various methods to combat the spread of COVID-19 disinformation, misinformation and state-sponsored propaganda while preserving digital rights. Presenting examples from the Global South, they discussed how to counter ‘problems such as Fake News’ and the ‘5G theory’ and present inclusive options for contact-tracing apps and data mining.
Click on the video to watch the moderated panel discussion.
Nelson Kwaje - #DefyHateNow, South Sudan
Rogério Siqueira – Pan-African Council, Brazil
Hlengiwe Dube - University of Pretoria, South Africa
Shona Olalere - StateCraft Inc., Nigeria