Reimagining Black Youth-led Technologies Symposium
The Symposium explored the global state of relevant research and practice, shared and discussed insights and ideas in technology from the African continent and the African Diaspora, and encouraged collaboration between participants across regions and continents. With a particular focus on perspectives and knowledge produced from the Global South, the symposium addressed both challenges and opportunities Black youth face in digital spaces and offline. Including (but not limited to) issues such as inequitable access, ownership, administration, participation and representations, information asymmetry, risks to safety and privacy, skills and digital literacy, and spaces for participation, creation, civic engagement, and innovation.
This highly participatory and interactive event provided a space for participants to engage in a dialogue around research and policy frameworks; by bringing together academics, practitioners, activists, Black youth technologists, and the private sector from the African continent and the Diaspora. Along with promoting innovative, institutionalized approaches and initiatives that address global challenges, strengthen resilience and sustainable development. In the process, finding common ground, solidifying ties, and promoting cultural, educational, and leadership development.
The Symposium ultimately engaged contributors in a productive exchange of views and ideas on the implementation of the objectives of the International Decade for People of African Descent, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and the sustainable development goals. In doing so, it helped establish a pipeline between the knowledge generated by Black youth harnessing technology, entrepreneurship, and innovation and knowledge institutions.
For further information please see the Rethinking Black Youth-led Technologies Symposium Program.